Luco dei Marsi | San Benedetto dei Marsi | Magliano de' Marsi |
Following the airing of the Thanksgiving episode, "Gaslit", Steve Marsi of TV Fanatic named her "one of the best villains in Gossip Girl history".
He achieved some victories, most notably he was credited with killing the general of the Marsi, Quintus Poppaedius Silo, during the storming of Venusia.
Silo was given command of the Marsic group (Marsi, Paeligni, Vestini, Marrucini, Picentes, Frentani), whereas his consular colleague Gaius Papius Mutilus was given command of the Samnite group.
In accordance with this, Silius Italicus also describes Marruvium as deriving its name from a certain Marrus, who is evidently only an eponymous hero of the Marsi.
The ancient Marruvium was the chief city of the Italic tribe of the Marsi; Marruvii or Marrubii is another form of the name of the Marsi, and was used by Virgil as an ethnic appellation ("Marruvia de gente", Aen. vii. 750).
Tagliacozzo lies in an area inhabited in early historic times by the Equi and the Marsi, although the first mentions of the town dates from the 11th century AD.
It was built by the Roman consul Marcus Valerius Maximus around 286 BC and later lengthened to the territories of the Marsi and the Equi, in the Abruzzo, as Via Valeria.