Martial Law 2: Undercover (also known as Karate Cop and Martial Law II) is a 1991 martial arts film written by Richard Brandes and Jiles Fitzgerald, produced by Steve Cohen, directed by Kurt Anderson and stars Jeff Wincott, Cynthia Rothrock, Paul Johansson, L. Charles Taylor, Sherrie Rose, and Billy Drago.
In the Philippines, where Rothrock was already an A-list star, the film opened in January 1992, exhibited in Manila theaters as a "super roadshow presentation" with tickets priced at P 14 for orchestra seats and P 18 for the balcony.
Law & Order | Coulomb's law | Harvard Law School | Statute Law Revision Act 1948 | Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | law | Yale Law School | Law | Statute Law Revision Act 1888 | New York University School of Law | mixed martial arts | law clerk | Jude Law | University of Michigan Law School | Columbia Law School | L.A. Law | Roman law | martial arts | Law & Order: Criminal Intent | international law | Frederick Law Olmsted | Mixed martial arts | English law | Attorney at law | Statute Law Revision Act 1863 | Bill (proposed law) | Law of the United States | law school | Court-martial | Martial Solal |
Since then, EA Games has placed the song in the games Need For Speed: Undercover and The Sims 3.
He also stars in the Need for Speed video game franchise Need for Speed: Undercover as Lt. Jack M. Keller of the Tri-City Police Department.