
unusual facts about Martin Lee

United States–Hong Kong Policy Act

He condemned Democratic Party chairman at the time Martin Lee who supported the act, and said Lee was "bad mouthing" the Special Administrative Region in front of the international audience.

Chris Wilkinson

He coaches several young prospects at the club as well as performing alongside Martin Lee on the club's NCL team (finishing 3rd in their first season).

Cyd Ho

The pan-democratic camp decided, after strategising, to put up two tickets for election: the Democratic Party's ticket with Martin Lee and Yeung Sum, and Audrey Eu and Cyd Ho's ticket.

Hong Kong Island by-election, 2007

The election returned Martin Lee and Yeung Sum of the Democratic Party, Ma Lik, and Choy So Yuk of the DAB, Audrey Eu of the Civic Party, and Rita Fan to the Council.

see also