
unusual facts about Martino Gamper

Klat Magazine

Between 2009 and 2011 five issues came out, containing a total of forty interviews with leading exponents of contemporary design and creativity, including Stefano Boeri, Andrea Branzi, Alfredo Jaar, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Francesco Vezzoli, Rosa Barba, Maurizio Cattelan, Martino Gamper, Maarten Baas, John Maeda, Oliviero Toscani, Nigel Coates, Peter Eisenman, Martí Guixé, Toyo Ito, Jasper Morrison, Peter Zumthor.

see also


It features articles by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, LSE political philosopher, John Gray, renowned atheist philosopher, A. C. Grayling, LSE social scientist Nicos Mouzelis, an interview with anti-religion crusader Michel Onfray and features the Austrian actionist artist Hermann Nitsch, British artist Becky Beasley, Miuccia Prada protégé Martino Gamper and Warren Neidich.