When he died childless in 1314, the island passed to Martino and his brother, Benedetto II.
He founded the family's Moreote line, which eventually ascended to the princely title of Achaea under Maria II Zaccaria and Centurione II Zaccaria.
Sergio Martino | Al Martino | San Martino | Martino Longhi the Younger | Zaccaria | Donald Martino | Antonietta Di Martino | Francesco De Martino | Borgo San Martino | San Martino sulla Marrucina | San Martino in Pensilis | San Martino Buon Albergo | San Martino ai Monti | Rocco Martino | Renato Martino | Martino Zaccaria | MartiƱo Rivas | Martino Longhi the Elder | Martino | Jules De Martino | Joseph Francis Martino | Gustavo Ponza di San Martino | Giacomo De Martino | Andronikos Asen Zaccaria |
Aided by a revolt of the local population and the treachery of Benedetto II Zaccaria, brother of the island's ruler Martino Zaccaria, a Byzantine fleet regained the island in 1329.