The film is based on the historical novel of the same name by Theodosia Harris, and features an ensemble cast including Sam De Grasse, Douglas Fairbanks, Walter Long and Alfred Paget.
Battle of the Alamo | The Alamo | Manchester Martyrs | Christian martyrs | Alamo Drafthouse Cinema | The Alamo (2004 film) | The Alamo (1960 film) | Oxford Martyrs | Frank Alamo | Alamo Mission in San Antonio | Alamo | Uganda Martyrs | Twenty-six Martyrs of Japan | The Douay Martyrs School | Place des Martyrs, Luxembourg | Place des Martyrs | Martyrs of Gorkum | Les Martyrs | Basilica of the Uganda Martyrs | Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades | Voice of the Martyrs | Tony Alamo | Tolpuddle Martyrs | ''The Martyrs of Gorkum | The Immortal Alamo | ''The Alamo'' | Political Martyrs' Monument | Our Lady and the English Martyrs Church | Monastery of the Martyrs | Martyrs' Square |