In January, 2008 the Vanderhoof Public Library opened the Mary John Collection, a collection of 800 books on First Nations topics created in her honor.
From 1992 until her death she worked tirelessly with linguist Bill Poser to document her dying language.
In 1978 she was honored as Vanderhoof Citizen of the Year, the first time that a native person had received this award.
John F. Kennedy | Pope John Paul II | Elton John | John | John Lennon | John Wayne | John McCain | John Kerry | John Cage | Olivia Newton-John | John Williams | John Peel | John Adams | John Steinbeck | Queen Mary | John Travolta | John Milton | John Zorn | Mary | John Marshall | John Howard | John Singer Sargent | John Ruskin | Mary, Queen of Scots | Mary I of England | John Updike | John Maynard Keynes | John Coltrane | John Cleese | St. John's |
For each of these theatres, Zeigler tells the stories of their leaders and how they achieved their goals Nina Vance in Houston, Mack Scism in Oklahoma City, Zelda Fichandler in Washington DC, Jules Irving and Herbert Blau in San Francisco, Mary John in Milwaukee, George Touliatos in Memphis, and Michael Murray in Boston.
Mary John, then principal of SMK Jalan Arang, was transferred to SMK St. Teresa.