
2 unusual facts about Masaya Volcano

Masaya Volcano

South-east of Lake Managua lie Chiltepe, the Nejapa alignment, Masaya, Apoyo and Mombacho which overlie the Las Sierras ignimbrites, erupted from the Las Sierras Caldera surrounding Masaya volcano.

El Hoyo, Monte Galan, Momotombo and Momotombito volcanoes are built upon ignimbrite deposits from the nearby Malpaisillo caldera.

Andrés Niño

They landed in the possessions of a cacique called Nicarao, and, after many encounters with the warlike tribes, penetrated to the interior and discovered there a large fresh-water lake, which they called Mar Dulce, or sweet lake (now Lake Nicaragua), and the volcano of Masaya.

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