
2 unusual facts about Maschinenfabrik Esslingen


Maschinenfabrik Esslingen, a former locomotive manufacturing company based in Esslingen am Neckar

Maschinenfabrik Esslingen

Several takeovers of other companies (Maschinenfabrik Gebr. Decker & Co. in 1881, Maschinen- & Kesselfabrik G. Kuhn in 1902), the formation of Costruzioni Meccaniche Saronno (Italy) in 1887 and in 1913 the construction of a new factory at Mettingen demonstrated its success.

Württemberg B and B2

The Württemberg Class B and Class B2 engines were steam locomotives with the Royal Württemberg State Railways (Königlich Württembergische Staats-Eisenbahnen) first built in 1868 by the Maschinenfabrik Esslingen ('Esslingen engineering works') in Esslingen in the former Kingdom of Württemberg in southern Germany.

Württemberg K

The 44 engines of this class built by the Maschinenfabrik Esslingen between 1917 and 1924 were intended for work on the Geislingen ramp (Geislinger Steige) and the Baden Black Forest line.

see also