The Mashantucket Pequot claim descent from the historic Pequot, an Algonquian language-speaking people who dominated the coastal area from the Niantic River of present-day Connecticut east to the Wecapaug River in what is now western Rhode Island, and south to Long Island Sound.
Richard Arthur Hayward, (born November 28, 1947 in New London, Connecticut) also known as Skip Hayward, was the tribal chairman of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe for 23 years, from 1975, when the first election was held, until November 1, 1998.
tribe | Tribe | Danes (Germanic tribe) | Tuscarora (tribe) | Seminole (tribe) | Abron tribe | Quraysh (tribe) | Mughal (tribe) | Sial (tribe) | Quileute (tribe) | Ottawa (tribe) | Narragansett (tribe) | Devil's Tribe | B-Tribe | Awan (tribe) | William & Mary Tribe men's basketball | William & Mary Tribe football | William & Mary Tribe | Warm Springs (tribe) | Umatilla (tribe) | Tribe of Judah | Suburban Tribe (band) | SubUrban Tribe | Spiral Tribe | Seminole Tribe of Florida | Quraysh tribe | Quinault (tribe) | Pequot War | Pend d'Oreilles (tribe) | Onondaga (tribe) |
Richard Arthur Hayward (born 1947), tribal chairman of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe