The original show had several well-known celebrities on its panel including Pat Carroll, Buff Cobb, Sam Levenson, Audrey Meadows, Ogden Nash, Betsy Palmer, and Jonathan Winters.
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Donald was the host of two early television series, The Ad-Libbers (1951) and Masquerade Party (1954-1956), and he made numerous TV guest appearances as a comedian (The Colgate Comedy Hour, The NBC Comedy Hour) and panelist (Pantomime Quiz, What's My Line?, To Tell the Truth).
Additionally, Allman worked with Stan Worth, co-writer of the "George of the Jungle" theme, to create music for a number of game shows by Stefan Hatos-Monty Hall Productions, including the 1970s versions of Let's Make a Deal, Masquerade Party and It Pays to be Ignorant.
Pendleton, Oregon photographer Walter S. Bowman captured images of bathers at the hot springs during the early 20th century including partygoers at a masquerade party.