
2 unusual facts about Massacre of Badajoz

Massacre of Badajoz

According to articles published in Le Populaire, Le Temps, Le Figaro, Paris-Soir, Diário de Lisboa and the Chicago Tribune mass executions took place and the streets of Badajoz became littered with bodies.

Afterwards, testimony was published in La Voz (October 20, 1936), in Republican-controlled Madrid, that the executions in the bull ring were like a party for the executioners, with a crowd present, and that some of the victims were even killed in the manner of bull fight (stuck in the back with bandillero lances) and mutilated.

John Thompson Whitaker

Shortly after he was assigned by his newspaper to Spain, which coincided with his colleague and friend Jay Allen, from Chicago Tribune, covered the Spanish Civil War, where he was seen at several atrocities and, after one of the bloodiest events of the entire conflict, the Massacre of Badajoz, he managed to interview the person responsible for the incident, General Yagüe.

see also