
3 unusual facts about Massiel

¡Ay, Señor, Señor!

The singer Massiel starred in four episodes and Paloma Cela in nine, with many other actors and actresses making regular or guest appearances.

Cuéntame cómo pasó

The series begins in April 1968 with the victory in the Eurovision song contest of the singer Massiel.

Language policies of Francoist Spain

Joan Manuel Serrat was not allowed to sing La La La in Catalan for the Eurovision Song Contest 1968 and, unwilling to sing it in Spanish, was replaced by Massiel, who won the contest.


Massiel |

Boom Bang-a-Bang

The song was the second consecutive entry with a nonsense title to win the contest (after Massiel's triumph in 1968 with "La La La"), and became infamous in the comedy world - most notably inspiring Monty Python's Flying Circus to parody it with "Bing Tiddle-Tiddle Bong" (Python precursor I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again had previously had Bill Oddie do something similar with a song for which the title was rendered entirely in sound effects).

see also