
5 unusual facts about Mathew Carey

Carey Bible

The Carey Bible was an edition of the English-language Douay-Rheims translation of the Bible published by Mathew Carey (1760-1839) beginning in 1789.

Mathew Carey

1943, Publishers Weekly created the Carey-Thomas Award for creative publishing, naming it in honor of Mathew Carey and Isaiah Thomas.

Its conspicuous omission of naval activity during the American Quasi-War with France showed his political intentions.

Mathew Carey Lea

Mathew Carey Lea was educated with his younger brother Henry Charles Lea under tutelage of the eminent U.S. mathematician Eugenius Nulty, who like Mathew Carey Lea's grandfather and namesake the publishing family's patriarch Mathew Carey, was Irish born.

Publishers Weekly

In 1943, Publishers Weekly created the Carey-Thomas Award for creative publishing, naming it in honor of Mathew Carey and Isaiah Thomas.

see also