
unusual facts about Matsya


Prominent ones include the Shankhodara temple in Bet Dwarka and Vedanarayana Temple in Nagalapuram.

Chahar clan

After some more years, one group of his descendents moved to Matsya region of Rajasthan and another group moved to Jangladesh region, also of Rajasthan.


Bhagvatam Purana attests that the prince of Madra along with princes from Matsya, Usinara, Kosala, Vidharbha, Kuru, Srnjaya, Kamboja, Kekaya, Kunti, Anarta, Kerala was present at Samanta-pancaka at the occasion of the solar eclipse.

Matsya Kingdom

Other than the Matsya kingdom to the south of Kuru Kingdom, which falls in the Alwar, Bharatpur districts of Rajasthan, the epic refers to many other (as many as, six other) Matsya kingdoms.


Matsya, the king Dantavakra, kings Sukumara, Sumitra, other Matsyas and Patacharas.

The Pahlavas

According to Vayu Purana and Matsya Purana, river Chakshu (Oxus or Amu Darya) flowed through the countries of Pahlavas, Tusharas, Lampakas, Paradas and the Sakas etc.

Udaybhanu Singh

Dholpur was merged with three neighbouring states to form the Matsya union within the union of India, of which he was made Rajpramukh, but the union was later merged with several other such unions to form the present-day state of Rajasthan.

United States of Matsya

The United States of Matsya also called Matsya Union was a State of India which was formed on March 17, 1948 by the merger of four erstwhile princely states, Alwar, Bharatpur, Dholpur, and Karauli after accession.

see also