
3 unusual facts about Matt Stephens

Extreme programming

In 2003, Matt Stephens and Doug Rosenberg published Extreme Programming Refactored: The Case Against XP, which questioned the value of the XP process and suggested ways in which it could be improved.

Matt Stephens

DDT and the ICONIX modeling process have been adopted in a variety of large-scale software projects e.g. the image processing software in the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST).

In Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML, Stephens outlines an extension to the ICONIX object modeling process which he and co-author Doug Rosenberg termed Design Driven Testing (DDT), a deliberate reversal of Test Driven Development (TDD), a core tenet of XP.

see also


As of January 2012, 5RMs Programming consists of Trevor Scott on the 5RM Breafast Show 6-9 Weekdays, The Leon Byner Morning Show (originating from 5AA Adelaide 9-12 Weekdays and Matt Stephens 12-6 Weekdays.