
unusual facts about Matthew H. Tueller

Christianity in Kuwait

Among its members is the U.S. Ambassador to Kuwait, Matthew H. Tueller.

Cole Black

Matthew H. Gore, "The Thiry Year History of Cole Black," Cole Black Comics, vol.

Cumberland Presbytery

History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Kentucky to 1988, by Matthew H. Gore, Joint Heritage Committee of Covenant and Cumberland Presbyteries.

Matt Smith

Matthew H. Smith (born 1972), member of the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives

Matthew H. Gore

He has also served several terms on the board of directors of the Grand Comics Database (GCD), a volunteer organization devoted to indexing all world comic books.

He is best known for his book The History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Kentucky to 1988 (2000), but has published on a variety of topics as diverse as The Origin of Marvelman (a British superhero of the 1950s and 1960s), the relative scarcity of East German philatelics, and the biography of British pulp artist, Denis McLoughlin.

Matthew Gore is married to Susan K. Gore, the Director of the Historical Foundation of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America.

see also