
2 unusual facts about Matzo

Five grains

Matzo or Matzah, unleavened cracker bread in Jewish cuisine regarding which "There are five grains that may not be used during Passover in any form except for Matzah"; see also Chametz

Chametz (section The five grains), leavened or leavenable grains and their flours in Jewish cuisine which are taboo during certain festival periods in Jewish tradition; see also Matzo


Matzo | matzo |


A reading of the tractate Pesahim from the Babylonian Talmud (c. 500) makes it clear that in Talmudic times, matzo soaked in water was permitted during Passover; the Ashkenazi rabbi and exegete, Rashi (c. 1100), also indicates that this was unobjectionable (Berachot 38b).


On 20 Sivan, 1171, tens of Jewish men and women were burned alive in the French town of Blois on the infamous accusation that Jews used the blood of Christian children in the preparation of matzah for Passover.

see also