Aboard are the owner-pilot Jack Bennett (John Gregson), the navigator Willy (Cec Linder), the flight attendant Teresa (Pier Angeli) and six passengers: a policeman, Petersen (Maurice Evans); his prisoner Mark (Eddie Constantine); Whitey Mullen (Richard Attenborough), a witness against Mark; Dr Strauss, a German scientist (Gunnar Möller); Miss Shaw, a middle-aged Englishwoman (Jean Anderson); and Maria, a young European woman (Eva Bartok).
Maurice Ravel | Bill Evans | Maurice Chevalier | Maurice Maeterlinck | Maurice Richard Arena | Charles Evans Hughes | Gil Evans | Maurice Delafosse | Cadel Evans | Maurice Sendak | Clifford Evans | Maurice Gibb | Dale Evans | Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus | Maurice Elvey | Maurice Duruflé | Maurice Béjart | Maurice | Maurice Tourneur | Maurice Merleau-Ponty | Faith Evans | Sara Evans | Saint-Maurice | Maurice Richard | George Evans | Walker Evans | Sam Evans | Maurice LaMarche | Maurice Kanbar | Maurice Jarre |
Other actors famed for their performance of Malvolio include Sir Alec Guinness, Henry Irving, E. H. Sothern, Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Henry Ainley, John Gielgud, Simon Russell Beale, Maurice Evans, Ken Dodd, Richard Briers, Sir Nigel Hawthorne and Sir Derek Jacobi.