Maurice Ravel | Kate Moss | Moss | Maurice Chevalier | Maurice Maeterlinck | moss | Maurice Richard Arena | Maurice Delafosse | Maurice Sendak | Maurice Gibb | Stirling Moss | Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus | Moss Hart | Maurice Elvey | Maurice Duruflé | Maurice Béjart | Maurice | Maurice Tourneur | Maurice Merleau-Ponty | Saint-Maurice | Randy Moss | Maurice Richard | Moss Vale, New South Wales | Moss Vale | Moss, Norway | Maurice LaMarche | Maurice Kanbar | Maurice Jarre | Maurice Fitzgerald | Maurice de Saxe |
Ayoade plays a computer consultant, presumably Maurice Moss (due to the fact the character wears the same clothing as Moss, notably the short sleeve shirt and tie and the big glasses) from Linehan's show The IT Crowd.