From that film, Mauricio adopted the artistic last name "Garcés" believing the letter "G" would bring good luck and turn him into a star at the level of his idols Clark Gable, Gary Cooper and Cary Grant.
Mauricio Macri | Mauricio Serna | Mauricio Funes | Ramiro Garcés of Viguera | Mauricio Cardozo Ocampo | Mauricio Alfaro | Ricardo Gil Lavedra (''third from left'') joins fellow presiding judges of the 1985 Trial of the Juntas in receiving the Bicentennial Medal from Mayor Mauricio Macri | Ramiro Garcés, Lord of Calahorra | Ramiro Garcés | ''Nightmare'' by Mexican artist Mauricio García Vega | Nelson Mauricio Ancheta | Mauricio Walerstein | Maurício Rua | Mauricio Rua | Mauricio Rojas Toro | Mauricio Rocha e Silva | Mauricio Merino, Jr. | Mauricio Lasansky | Mauricio Herrera | Mauricio González de la Garza | Mauricio González | Mauricio Antón | Mauricio Afonso | León Arslanián (''middle'') joins fellow presiding judges of the 1985 Trial of the Juntas in receiving the Bicentennial Medal from Mayor Mauricio Macri | José Maurício | Geovanni Deiberson Maurício | Garces Memorial High School | Galindo Garcés | Fortún Garcés Cajal |