"Little Lost Robot" was adapted by Leo Lehman for the 1962 Associated British Corporation anthology television series Out of This World, which also marks the first appearance of Susan Calvin, played by Maxine Audley, in TV and movies.
Maxine Kline | Maxine Waters | Maxine Sullivan | Maxine Peake | Thomas Audley, 1st Baron Audley of Walden | Stratton Audley | Maxine Kumin | Maxine Mawhinney | Maxine Klibingaitis | Maxine Horner | Maxine Elliott Theatre | James Tuchet, 5th Baron Audley | Audley Shaw | Thomas Audley | Maxine Riddington | Maxine Paetro | Maxine Miller | Maxine McKew | Maxine Kurtz | Maxine Greene | Maxine Gordon | Maxine Elliott Hicks | Maxine Elliott | Maxine Carr (criminal) | Maxine B. Baker | Maxine Audley | Lady Audley's Secret | James Audley | George Thicknesse, 19th Baron Audley | Eleanor Audley |
The cast consisted of Maxine Audley, Donald Sinden, Andre Morell, Brian Oulton, Peggy Thorpe-Bates, Michael Logan, Vanda Godsell, Pauline Knight, Virginia Maskell, Mary Powell, Douglas Malcom and Philip Ashley.