
2 unusual facts about Mazur


Mazurski or Mazursky is a Polish language family name derived, as an adjective, from the words "Mazur" or "Mazury" (Mazovia) and meaning "of Mazur" or "from Mazur".


In 1270 the Teutonic Order began constructing wooden earthworks to control the original settlement as well as defend the initial Mazurian and German settlers.

Edward Mazur

Edward Mazur (born 1946) is a Polish-American businessman accused by Poland's prosecutors of contracting in 1998 the murder of Polish National Police chief, General Marek Papała.

Marian Mazur

Marian Mazur (Radom, December 7, 1909 – Warsaw, January 21, 1983) was an expert in cybernetics, and author of: The Cybernetic Theory of Autonomous Systems, 1966; and The Qualitative Theory of Information, 1970.


In contrast to the Prussian-oriented periodicals, in the late 19th century such newspapers as Przyjaciel Ludu Łecki and Mazur were founded by members of the Warsaw-based Komitet Centralny dla Slaska, Kaszub i Mazur (Central Committee for Silesia, Kashubia and Masuria), influenced by Polish politicians like Antoni Osuchowski or Juliusz Bursche, to strengthen a Polish identity in Masuria.

see also