
unusual facts about Medalla

Camila Sagardia

She has participated in several other music videos and campaigns for AT&T, MAPFRE, Medalla, Miccosukee Resort and Casino, Marriott Hotel, Puerto Rico Tourism Company, etc.

Héctor Martínez Arteche

His work has received recognitions such as Concurso Nacional de Pintura Mural in 1953, Medalla de Plata from the state of Sonora in 1992 and was honored by the city of Cajeme for his artistic and teaching work in 2002.

Joan Fuster

He received the Premi d'Honor de les Lletres Catalanes ("Catalan Letters Award") (1975) and also, in the year 1983, the Medalla d’Or de la Generalitat de Catalunya ("Gold Medal of Catalonia's Generality").

see also