The three pages the Czech version had at the time were lost during the switch to MediaWiki.
Using plug-ins, users can export albums to various online services including (among others) 23hq, Facebook, Flickr, Gallery2, Google Earth's KML files, Yandex.Fotki, MediaWiki, Rajce, SmugMug, Piwigo, Simpleviewer, Picasa Web Albums.
The speed of development picked up somewhat after the MediaWiki software was upgraded to Phase III in late November, 2003, and continued to increase steadily through 2004.
One of the key features of Intelink is Intellipedia, an online system for collaborative data sharing based on MediaWiki.
Paparazzi collaborators share ideas and information using the same MediaWiki software that is used by Wikipedia.
The site uses the MediaWiki monobook theme but is not editable by the public and does not appear to be based on MediaWiki software.
Fantasy Academy group has an English portal for the main site and established a MediaWiki based Encyclopedia of science fiction and fantasy.
As with other language editions of Wikipedia, the project's content is both created and accessed using the MediaWiki wiki software.
The MediaWiki software that Wikipedia runs on can interpret X-Forwarded-For (XFF) headers, allowing Wikipedia to identify a user's main IP address rather than the proxy IP address, allowing the ability to block proxy users individually by their client's IP rather than the proxy server IP (avoiding the need to block the whole proxy due to the actions of a single user).
The TV IV runs MediaWiki software, but has disabled anonymous editing and has licensed the content under the Creative Commons license (cc-by-2.5).