
unusual facts about Megalosaurus

1763 in paleontology

The end of a Megalosaurus thighbone, previously misinterpreted by Robert Plot to be the remains of an elephant brought to Britain by the Romans, is subject to further confusion when Richard Brookes publishes a paper naming it Scrotum humanum.

1822 in paleontology

James Parkinson (after whom the disease is named) publishes a general text on paleontology wherein he illustrates and describes teeth belonging to Megalosaurus.


Its fossil, holotype BMNH 42997 (now NHM R 42997), a part of a right femur, 312 mm long, was found in the Netherlands near Maastricht, and originally described as a new species of Megalosaurus in 1883 by Harry Seeley: M. bredai, honouring the late Dutch biologist and geologist Jacob Gijsbertus Samuël van Breda, a director of the Teylers Museum, who had collected the fossil at some time between 1820 and 1860 from the chalkstone quarry at the St Pietersberg.

see also