
7 unusual facts about Meiji University


Comiket was founded in 1975 by Yoshihiro Yonezawa and a circle of friends, including Teruo Harada and Jun Aniwa, while they were studying at Meiji University.

Jiang Hongjie

Jiang Hongjie went to Japan and studied law in Meiji University where he graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Law.

Kakuji Inagawa

Inagawa, son of a Meiji University graduate who fell on hard times, never attended school.

Kanzo Uchiyama

Ikeda was arrested for her involvement in the student movement, expelled from Meiji University.

Kiwao Nomura

Nomura initially focused on an academic career: he studied Japanese and French literature, and taught for a number of years at various schools in Tokyo, including Meiji University and Waseda University.

Rika Izumi

When she was accepted at Meiji University as a literature major in 2007 (the same university ex-PGSM castmate Kitagawa attended), she resumed her career.

Xie Jishi

Itō was so impressed with the young Xie that he recommended him for a scholarship to Meiji University in Tokyo, from which he graduated from the law school.

Tokuo Yamashita

Born in Imari, and a graduate of Fukuoka Middle School (present-day Fukuoka Prefectural Fukuoka High School), he studied law first at Meiji University and then at Senshu University, graduating in 1944.

Yuya Saito

He graduated from Meiji University and used to play for Suntory Sungoliath before he went to play professional rugby in France for about one season.

see also

Gomi Kosuke

After the end of the war, Gomi completed his education at Meiji University, and began writing popular fiction with swordsmen of the Edo period as his protagonists.