
unusual facts about Melkite

Abu Raita al-Takriti

Armenian tradition mentions that Abu Raita was recalled by the prince Ashot Msaker to defend the miaphysite against the Melkite teachings of Theodore Abū Qurra who was on a missionary activity in Armenia.

Euthymius Fadel

He lived later in his diocese, but after persecutions from the Orthodox party, he had to moved to Basilian Monastery of the Holy Saviour at Joun near Saida, Lebanon, where, as most of the Basilian monks, he became a partisan of Athanasius Jawhar in the clashes with Patriarch Theodosius V Dahan which signed the history of the Melkite Church in the 18th century.


Ignatius Ghattas (1920—1992), bishop of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church.


Monastery Saint (in Arabic دير المخلص) of the Melkite Basilian Salvatorian Order was built on a hill covered with pine and olive trees and grape vines and located in the east side of Joun beginning of the eighteenth century, and it constitutes a landmark in the Chouf district.

Little Syria, Manhattan

The overwhelming majority of the residents were Arabic-speaking Christians, Melkite and Maronite immigrants from present-day Syria and Lebanon who settled in the area in the late 19th century, escaping religious persecution and poverty in their homelands – which were then under control of the Ottoman Empire – and answering the call of American missionaries to escape their difficulties by traveling to New York City.

Nicholas Samra

He has also published a multi-volume history of the Melkite Church and a book on the legacy of Archbishop Joseph Tawil.

He was ordained a priest for the Eparchy of Newton on May 10, 1970 and served as a pastor in Melkite parishes in Los Angeles, Chicago and New Jersey.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

In 1990, the Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy, a priest of the Eastern Rite (Byzantine-Melkite) of the Catholic Church, initiated the July 16 Twenty-Four Hours Day of Prayer for Forgiveness and Protection with Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Trinity Site in the New Mexico desert.

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Baghdad

The diocese is immediately subject to the Holy See and operates alongside eleven Chaldean dioceses, two Syrian Catholic, one Greek-Melkite, and one Armenian Catholic diocese.

see also