
unusual facts about Membership organization

Membership software

Membership software (also known as an Association management system) is a computer software solution which provides associations, clubs and other Membership organizations with the functionality they require to provide their services to their members.

see also

Americans for Democratic Action

James Isaac Loeb (later an ambassador and diplomat in the John F. Kennedy administration), the UDA's executive director, advocated disbanding the UDA and forming a new, more broadly-based, mass-membership organization.

Identity Commons

Identity Commons was going to be an international non-stock membership organization similar to Visa, and was inspired by the concepts of chaordic organization developed by Dee Hock (founding CEO of Visa).

Reader's Digest Association

Hoping to tap into the vast audience for his book The Purpose Driven Life, they aimed to create a Christian membership organization, anchored by the magazine The Purpose Driven Connection published by Reader's Digest and built on Warren’s call to faith and charitable work.

Star Island

The Star Island conference center is owned and operated by the Star Island Corporation, a not-for-profit United States Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) membership organization incorporated in the state of Massachusetts.

The AWA Review

It is published by the Antique Wireless Association (AWA), a membership organization founded in 1952 and based in Bloomfield, New York, USA.

The College Club of Boston

The College Club of Boston is a private membership organization founded in 1890 as the first women's college club in the United States.