
6 unusual facts about Menen


The municipality of Menen consists of Menen proper, Lauwe and Rekkem.

The municipality comprises the city of Menen proper and the towns of Lauwe and Rekkem.

The urban area of the city of Menen is directly connected with the urban area of the French municipality Halluin.

Menen proper is mainly located north of the Leie, Lauwe and Rekkem are located south of the river.

:Menen is also a variation of the Nauruan district's name Meneng

Ward Lernout

Lernout received his artistic training at the Stedelijke Academie in Menen, where the artists F. Wallecan and E. Van Overberghe also trained.


Menen Hotel | Menen |

Claude Lamoral, 6th Prince of Ligne

A state councilor, he reorganized the army in the newly conquered Austrian Netherlands, and in 1720 took possession in the name of the Emperor of the fortified cities of Tournai, Ieper and Menen.

see also