In this role, he allied himself with the Rhodian mercenary general Mentor, and with his help succeeded in once again making Egypt a province of the Persian Empire (probably from 342 BC).
Rhodes | Rhodes Scholarship | Cecil Rhodes | mentor | Rhodes piano | Rhodes University | Dusty Rhodes | Mentor Graphics | Rhodes Piano | Jim Rhodes | Zandra Rhodes | Teddy Tahu Rhodes | Rhodes, New South Wales | Randi Rhodes | Mentor | Dusty Rhodes (wrestler) | The Siege of Rhodes | Sonny Rhodes | Mentor Williams | Julian Rhodes | Geva Mentor | Emitt Rhodes | Dusty Rhodes (baseball player) | Beechcraft T-34 Mentor | Wilfred Rhodes | Steve Rhodes | Roger Rhodes | Robson Rhodes | Rhodes College | Michael D. Rhodes |
Both suffered crushing defeats at the hands of Tennes, the Sidonese king, who was aided by 40,000 Greek mercenaries sent him by Nectanebo II and commanded by Mentor of Rhodes, and the Persian forces were driven out of Phoenicia.