
unusual facts about Mercedes D.II


The AGO C.VIII was a German reconnaissance aircraft of World War I, created by re-engining the manufacturer's C.IV design with a Mercedes D.IVa.

Albatros W.4

Powered by the same 120 kW (160 hp) Mercedes D.III engine fitted to the D.II and based around the same fuselage, the W.IV was armed with either one (first series) or two 7.92 mm (.312 in) machine guns lMG08.

Mercedes D.III

This included most of the entries in the First Fighter Competition at Adlershof in January 1918, notably the famed Fokker D.VII.

Zeppelin-Staaken R.VI

R.VI serial number R.30/16 was the earliest known supercharged aircraft to fly, with a fifth engine - a Mercedes D.II - installed in the central fuselage, driving a Brown-Boveri four-stage supercharger at some 6,000 rpm.

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