
unusual facts about Mercosur


Arancha Gonzalez

Before that she served in various capacities in the European Commission in the area of international trade, including negotiations of trade agreements between the EU and Mercosur, Iran, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Balkans and Mediterranean countries.

Call You Free

They were conducted by Claudio Rosemffet from the University of Belgrano (Argentina), Pablo Cuello from de University of Buenos Aires and Fernando Speranza from de University of El Salvador, with the main purpose to connect the companies of the Mercosur (Southern Common Market), a Regional Trade Agreement (RTA) among Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, founded in 1991.


Pocket Fritz 4 (which uses the HIARCS chess engine) won the Copa Mercosur (a category 6 tournament) in Buenos Aires, Argentina with 9 wins and 1 draw on August 4–14, 2009, achieving a performance rating of 2898 while running on the HTC Touch HD mobile phone.

Mercosur Parliament

On June 2008, the MPs held their first parliamentary session outside the Mercosur headquarters in Montevideo, on the city of San Miguel de Tucumán, where the XXXV Meeting of Mercosur Heads of State was also being held.

Paulo Marcel Pereira Merabet

Was marked, however, a missed penalty by the race penalty that decided the Copa Mercosur in 2001, Fla. where he was defeated by San Lorenzo of Argentina, and lost the chance to win the competition for the second time.

Protocol of Ouro Preto

The 1994 Protocol of Ouro Preto was the continuation of economic policies setting up a customs union, as set forth four years earlier in the Treaty of Asuncion by the four original Mercosur states.

see also