
3 unusual facts about Mersey Beat

Johnny Hutchinson

Mersey Beat magazine editor, Bill Harry, claimed that the vacant drummer position in The Beatles when Pete Best was dismissed was initially offered by Epstein to Johnny, who Epstein later managed.

Mersey Beat

Harry asked a local singer, Priscilla White, to contribute a fashion column after writing an article called "Swinging Cilla", in which he wrote, "Cilla Black is a Liverpool girl who is starting out on the road to fame."

A fellow student, John Ashcroft, introduced Harry to rock ā€˜nā€™ roll records, and the members of Rory Storm & The Hurricanes and Cass & The Cassanovas.

Bob Wooler

Others include; "Mr Showmanship" for Rory Storm, "The Panda-footed Prince of Prance" for Faron, leader of Faron's Flamingos, "The Sheik of Shake" for Karl Terry, of Karl Terry and the Cruisers, and "The Boswell of Beat" for Bill Harry, editor of Mersey Beat.

see also