
unusual facts about Mesopotamian

6 Days on Earth

When the scientist decides to help Saturnia, a seductive teenager that believes herself to be an alien abductee and shows a clear attraction for him, he faces an insurmountable problem: once hypnotised, Saturnia cannot leave the trance condition anymore, hence giving manifestation to Hexabor of Ur, an alien entity coming from Mesopotamian ages.


A possible meaning for "Arbeia" is "fort of the Arab troops", referring to the fact that part of its garrison at one time was a squadron of Mesopotamian boatmen from the Tigris.


Ensí, a Mesopotamian royal title in various Babylonian city states


Later, Ishara's main Mesopotamian cult centre was at Kisurra, although she is also thought to have been worshipped across a wide area amongst Syrians, Canaanites, and Hittites.

Lorenzo Villoresi

Dilmun (2000), "the mythical Mesopotamian paradise, a vision of sun and citrus fruits, a memory of the evocative legends he heard during his studies."

Ludlul bēl nēmeqi

Ludlul bel nemeqi, I Will Praise the Lord of Wisdom, is a Mesopotamian poem (ANET, pp. 434–437) written in Akkadian that concerns itself with the problem of the unjust suffering of an afflicted man, named Shubshi-meshre-Shakkan.


The band’s goal was to create a type of black metal incorporating extensive Middle Eastern influences mainly based on Assyrian (Mesopotamian) and occult themes (both musically and lyrically); the band invented the title "Assyrian metal" to best describe their type of metal.


Nabo can be an alternative spelling of the ancient Mesopotamian god "Nebo" or "Nabu".


:This article is about the Mesopotamian goddess; for the Telugu author see Nannayya.

Naram-Suen of Eshnunna

:Not to be confused with other ancient Mesopotamian kings with the same name Naram-Suen

New Babylon

Neo-Babylonian Empire (626 BC–539 BC), a period of Mesopotamian history that is also known as the Chaldean Dynasty


Pabilsaĝ /pabilsaŋ/, in Mesopotamian tradition was a tutelary god of the city of Isin.

Saint Daniel

Daniel the Stylite (c. 409 – 493), Mesopotamian monk and ascetic, feast day December 11

see also