Mesquita Futebol Clube, usually known simply as Mesquita, is a Brazilian football team from the city of Mesquita, Rio de Janeiro state, founded on May 9, 1920.
Michel Platini Mesquita | Mesquita | Manuel de Mesquita Perestrelo | Bruce Bueno de Mesquita |
Abraham ('Appie') Bueno de Mesquita (Amsterdam, July 23, 1918 — Lelystad, August 19, 2005), commonly known under his stage name Bueno de Mesquita was a Dutch comedian, actor and stage artist, well known for his ability to make funny faces.
A son of Pedro Mamede Mouzinho de Albuquerque and second wife Maria Micaela Tavares de Mesquita, he was baptized at the Monastery of São Vicente de Fora, Lisbon, on June 4, 1736, his godfather being Dom Diogo de Noronha, 3rd Marquess of Marialva and 5th Count of Cantanhede by marriage, represented by his son Dom Rodrigo António de Noronha e Meneses and having officiated the Desembargador Rev. Dr. Sebastião Pereira de Castro, and born on that same Parish.
They were accompanied by two servants, their tutor and interpreter Diego de Mesquita, and their mentor Valignano, who only accompanied them as far as Goa in Portuguese India, where he was to take up new responsibilities.