
unusual facts about Message passing

XCore XS1

A program will normally perform its computations and then wait for an event (e.g. a message, time, or external I/O event) before continuing.

see also

Caltech Cosmic Cube

In 1987 several people in the group formed a company called Parasoft to commercialize the message passing interface developed for the Cosmic Cube.

Cray Time Sharing System

Some controversy existed at LASL with the first attempt to develop an operating system for the Cray-1 named DEIMOS, a message-passing, Unix-like operating system, by Forrest Basket.


DEIMOS, an early message passing OS for the Cray-1, replaced by the Cray Time Sharing System


on systems that support the Message Passing Interface (MPI).

Yellow Dog Linux

As an interesting application of YDL on PlayStation 3 consoles: Gaurav Khanna, a professor in the Physics Department of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth built a message-passing based cluster using 16 PS3s.