On July 17, 2008, Italian bicycle racer Riccardo Riccò was kicked out of the Tour de France after reports that a urine sample tested positive for Mircera.
Beta | Tau Beta Pi | Phi Beta Sigma | beta | Zeta Beta Tau | TGF beta 1 | Beta Gamma Sigma | The Beta Band | Tau Beta Sigma | Phi Beta Kappa Society | Beta Israel | TGF beta receptor 2 | propylene glycol | Polyethylene terephthalate | polyethylene | National Beta Club | Low-density polyethylene | High-density polyethylene | Beta (plant) | Beta (letter) | Beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane | Beta Flight | Beta Alpha Psi | VHS or Beta | Steroid 11-beta-hydroxylase | Polyethylene | Linear low-density polyethylene | Gamma Phi Beta | Epoetin beta | Beta (typeface) |
In 2003 Ongaro, alongside fellow international Gianluca Faliva, had been accused of having made use of Epoetin beta (NeoRecormon) for doping purposes.
In 2003 Faliva, alongside fellow international and Treviso player Fabio Ongaro, has been accused of having made use of Epoetin beta (NeoRecormon) for doping purposes.