
2 unusual facts about Metro Santa Cruz

Metro Santa Cruz

The newspaper commemorated its 15th anniversary in April 2009 with a photographic tribute to prominent Santa Cruzans, including wet suit inventor Jack O'Neill, musicians Greg Camp and Dale Ockerman, former California secretary of state Bruce McPherson and others.

Locally based in Santa Cruz, the alternative weekly is owned by Metro Newspapers, a company started by UC Santa Cruz graduate and former Santa Cruz publisher Dan Pulcrano.

Sidewalk Bubblegum

During its nine-year run, Sidewalk Bubblegum has been published in hundreds of magazines, books, and zines including Z Magazine, Playboy Magazine, Funny Times, Comic Relief, Creative Loafing, Factsheet 5, Metro Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Sentinel and the Hufvudstadsbladet, Finland’s largest Swedish-language daily newspaper.

see also