
2 unusual facts about Meunier


Sophie Meunier, the co-director of the Princeton University European Union program

Pascal Meunier, a documentary photographer about Arabian and Muslim world

André Pratte

The book counts 14 authors from various political affiliations: André Pratte, Daniel Fournier, Jean Leclair, Benoît Pelletier, Marie Bernard-Meunier, Patrice Ryan et Frédéric Bérard, François Pratte, Martin Cauchon, Pierre Gerlier-Forest, Hervé Rivet and Fabrice Rivault, Marc Garneau, Mathieu Laberge.

Franco Mezzena

Performed with Salvatore Accardo, Bruno Battisti D’Amario, Julius Berger, Bruno Canino, Roberto Corlianò, Roberto Fabbriciani, Rocco Filippini, Severino Gazzelloni, Stefano Giavazzi, Bruno Giuranna, Johannes Goritzki, Jacques Klein, Alain Meunier, Bruno Mezzena, Andrea Noferini, Antony Pay, Franco Petracchi, Ruggiero Ricci, Massimo Scattolin, Hariolf Schlichtig, Rohan de Saram and Romeo Tudorache.

Ghislaine Dommanget

Ghislaine Marie Françoise Dommanget (13 October 1900 – 30 April 1991), daughter of Colonel Robert Dommanget and his wife Marie Louise Meunier, was the Princess of Monaco from 1946 to 1949.

Maja Bogdanović

Her chamber music partners throughout many concerts and festivals include pianists Masha Belooussova, Jean Claude Vanden Eynden, Julien Gernay, Sanja and Lidija Bizjak violinists Nemanja Radulovic, Gil Sharon, Grigory Zhislin, violist Vladimir Mendelssohn, cellists Michel Strauss and Alain Meunier, clarinettists Philippe Berrod, Sandrine Vasseur as well as string quartets Talich and Ebene.

Marcel Bidot

Several minutes went by and then along came Meunier, the driver of the Alcyon car, and he threw me a penknife.

Théodule Meunier

During the trial of the notorious anarchist known as Ravachol, Meunier set off a bomb at the Lobau Barracks, the site of the Communard massacres, on 15 March 1892.

Thomas Meunier

A few days earlier, Club Brugge had just missed out on the transfers of Dalibor Veselinović and Jelle Van Damme and therefore wanted to make sure Meunier would not become the third near miss.

see also