
5 unusual facts about Meurig


Meurig ap Idnerth, early 6th-century king of Buellt, a medieval Welsh kingdom

Meurig ap Tewdrig, the son of Tewdrig (St. Tewdrig), and a king of the early Welsh kingdoms of Gwent and Glywysing

Meurig Bowen (born 1965), artistic director of the Cheltenham Music Festival

Ystrad Meurig (or Ystradmeurig) is a village in Ceredigion, Wales


There are references to Illtud being the cousin of Athrwys ap Meurig of Morgannwg although there is no known connection with Sadwrn.


King Peibio and his descendants are rulers of the area attested from about 555 AD until, in the middle of the 7th century, Onbraust of Ergyng married Meurig of Gwent and the two neighbouring kingdoms were combined.

Meurig ap Hywel

Meurig, son of King Hywel of "Morgannwg" (actually, only part of Glywysing), was said to have joined Rhodri the Great in defeating them but to have fallen in the battle.

see also