
unusual facts about Michael Cook

Crossroads to Islam: The Origins of the Arab Religion and the Arab State

The evidence presented by the authors effectively corroborate the view of other scholars, such as Fred Donner's historiographical work, John Wansbrough or Patricia Crone and Michael Cook's book Hagarism who on different grounds propose that Islam and the Qu'ran were not the work of Muhammad or the Arabic deity.

Martin Bright

In 2001, Bright wrote "The Great Koran Con Trick", an article in the New Statesman about the work of the Islamicist scholars John Wansbrough, Michael Cook, Patricia Crone, Andrew Rippin and Gerald Hawting, associated in the 1970s with the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).

Raymond Fraser

Fraser’s writings have been praised by such literary figures as Farley Mowat, Irving Layton, Louis Dudek, Alden Nowlan, Sheila Watson, Leonard Cohen, Hugh Garner, Michael Cook and William French.

see also