
6 unusual facts about Michael Lapidge

Æthelstan Half-King

Miller, Sean, "Æthelstan Half-King" in Michael Lapidge et al., The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England. Blackwell, 1999.


The late 10th- and early 11th-century writer Byrhtferth of Ramsey in his Vita sancti Oswaldi claimed that Oswald of Worcester, Archbishop of York, discovered Botwine's relics at the monastery of Ripon (along with those of other early Ripon abbots) and encased them in a new shrine, an account described by historian Michael Lapidge as "problematical" on other points.


(For instance, Michael Lapidge in Anglo-Latin Literature 600-899, Hambledon Press, London 1996) According to the chronicler Symeon, the Northumbrian King Aelle appropriated Crayke and used it as his headquarters during the unsuccessful campaign against the Danes in 867.


Keynes, Simon, "Koenwald" in Michael Lapidge et al., The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England. Blackwell, 1999.

Mario Esposito

According to Michael Lapidge, Esposito "did more than any scholar before or since to appreciate and define Latin learning in medieval Ireland".


Lapidge, M., "Milred", in Michael Lapidge et al., The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England. Blackwell, 1999.

see also