
5 unusual facts about Michael Scot


It was also seat of his court and a studium, including figures such as Michael Scot, but little of it remains now.

Long Meg and Her Daughters

The most famous of the many legends that surround the stones is that they were once a coven of witches who were turned to stone by a wizard from Scotland named Michael Scot.


In the book Lord of Middle Air by Michael Scott Rohan, the wizard Michael Scot reveals that he dared to train at the Scholomance on two occasions, as there was so much knowledge it could not all be learnt in one night.

Shoebox Zoo

1100 years prior to the show's present day events, the great wizard Michael Scot created the Book of Forbidden Knowledge, a lexicon filled with dark magic and untold secrets.

William II de Soules

Scottish Borders folklore maintains that a Soulis was involved with the Black Arts being schooled with Michael Scot, The Wizard.

see also