
unusual facts about Michael Scott

Andy's Play

While Michael Scott (Steve Carell) struggles to put his jealousy aside, Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) and Pam Halpert (Jenna Fischer) have trouble with their less-than-stellar babysitter: Erin.

Farley's Eatery and Pub

Actor Steve Carell, who portrays Michael Scott in the NBC sitcom, allegedly told reporters he would personally fly to Scranton to "cut the ribbon" if Farley's were to place a "Michael Scott Burger" on their menu.

Havea Hikule‘o ‘oPulotu

In December, Chief Justice Michael Scott issued a new warrant for his arrest, finding that he had breached the conditions of his bail.

Lorenzo di Bonaventura

He has purchased the film rights to the six-part series of fantasy novels The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott.

Perenelle Flamel

Examples include Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling, and The Sorceress: The Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott in which Perenelle is a main character.

The Dundies

Michael Scott (Steve Carell) is the only person who looks forward to "The Dundies", his annual awards show at the local Chili's restaurant.

see also

Ada Adini

Opera commnettor Michael Scott summarises her career and evaluates her recordings in The Record of Singing (Duckworth, London, 1977).

Ants on a log

In The Office episode "The Manager and the Salesman", it is revealed that Michael Scott (Steve Carell) has his receptionist bring him "ants on a log" every day at 2:30 pm.

Celestina Boninsegna

Critics particularly admired her relatively smooth vocal delivery and the dignity and refinement that she gave to the vocal lines of the music at hand, although—as the opera commentator and record reviewer Michael Scott details in The Record of Singing (Duckworth, London, 1977)—her technique was not impeccable, with her ripe lowest register not fully integrated with the upper parts of her voice.


The Office: In E-mail Surveillance, Jim Halpert sends Evites to his coworkers to a barbecue at his house, excluding regional manager Michael Scott from the guestlist.

Guy Clutton-Brock

With the eloquent support of Trevor Huddleston, Fenner Brockway, Michael Scott, Mary Benson and many others, Guy, his wife Molly (1912–2013), Didymus Mutasa, George Nyandoro and Michael and Eileen Haddon founded Cold Comfort Farm in Southern Rhodesia which became a widely acclaimed pattern for racial freedom and regeneration in the poverty-stricken countries of Africa.

Henry Thurston

On 23 September 1999 Mr Les Cooper, one of the oldest former pupils (1916 - 1925) formally opened the new buildings in the presence of the Bishop of Winchester, the Right Reverend Michael Scott-Joynt who conducted a service of Blessing.


# 29 January 1975: "Whistling Smith" (Ian McLaren, Michael Scott, Barrie Howells producers; Marrin Cannell and Scott directors), featuring a Vancouver police officer patrolling Gastown amid that area's social challenges.

Pol Plançon

"The New York critic Huneker disliked his 'mincing gait' and complained of a 'lack of virility in his impersonations.' Whether this was fair comment or merely a Puritan critic's reaction to what was then hot gossip, is hard to know; it was widely rumoured that Plançon had been caught in his dressing room with the composer Herman Bemberg 'in flagrante delicto'." (See Michael Scott, The Record of Singing, published by Duckworth, London, 1978; page 84).

Scott Walker

Scott Tallon Walker, an Irish architecture firm founded by Michael Scott, Ronnie Tallon and Robin Walker

Sonia Dada

The band formed in 1990, when founding member Daniel Pritzker heard three future members (Michael Scott, Paris Delane, and Sam Hogan) singing in a subway station.