Michael Jackson | Order of St Michael and St George | Michael Bloomberg | Michael Jordan | Michael Caine | Michael | Michael Palin | Michael Moore | George Michael | Michael Dukakis | Michael W. Smith | Michael Douglas | Michael Bolton | Michael Schumacher | Michael J. Fox | Michael Bublé | Michael Faraday | Michael Moorcock | Michael Kors | Michael Brecker | Michael Bay | Michael Nyman | Michael Phelps | Michael Ondaatje | John Michael Montgomery | St. Michael | Michael Landon | Saint Michael, Barbados | Michael Somare | Live! with Kelly and Michael |
Bozin Pavlovski has written sixteen novels in Macedonian, out of which thirteen have been translated in English in collaboration with authors and friends, including James Thomev, Biljana John, Michael Serafinov and his daughter Elena Ciavarella, with supervision by Irina Dunn.