
unusual facts about Michael Townley

Bernardo Leighton

According to CIA documents released by National Security Archive, in 1975 in Madrid, Italian terrorist Stefano Delle Chiaie met with DINA agent Michael Townley and Cuban Virgilio Paz Romero to prepare, with the help of Francisco Franco's secret police, the murder of Bernardo Leighton.

Villa Baviera

In January 2005, Michael Townley, then living in the United States under a witness-protection program, acknowledged to agents of Interpol Chile links between DINA and Colonia Dignidad.

Virgilio Paz Romero

According to the National Security Archive, Virgilio Paz met DINA agent Michael Townley and Italian terrorist Stefano Delle Chiaie in Madrid, in 1975, to prepare, with the help of Francisco Franco's secret police, the murder of Christian Democrat Bernardo Leighton.

see also