In the late 2000s, Takara expanded the Microman brand to include various licensed brands, including Batman (both comic-based and from Batman Begins), Superman (both comic-based and from Superman Returns), Evangelion, Street Fighter, Godzilla, Alien vs Predator and Kinnikuman.
However, the sword, also included with the Japanese "U.N.C.L.E." version, was excluded from the American Megatron, possibly for fear that children may stab themselves in the eye with the sword.
Microman |
Takara Toys' 1982 Micro Change series of toys were part of the 1980 New Microman toy line and were small household objects that could transform into vehicles or artificially intelligent robot characters that fought alongside their 10-centimeter tall alien cyborg Microman creators against the evil Acroyears.
On the other hand, most of Takara's international hit products (Microman, Transformers, Battle Beasts, Beyblade, B-Daman, et al.) have been sold and branded by other companies, most notably Hasbro.