
2 unusual facts about Mihail Cerchez

Circassian diaspora

However, one of the last descendants of this family, Mihail Christodulo Cerchez, was a Romanian national hero in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 (Osman Paşa, the Turkish commander of the Pleven garrison, who was an Adyge himself, surrendered his sword to Cerchez at the end of the siege).

Mihail Cerchez

As a gratitude for his efforts toward the independence of Bulgaria, the Bulgarian people built a bust in the Romanian Soldier Mausoleum at Grivitsa.

Romanian War of Independence

The Romanian Army won the battles of Grivitsa and Rahova, and on 28 November 1877 the Plevna citadel capitulated, and Osman Pasha surrendered the city, the garrison and his sword to the Romanian colonel Mihail Cerchez.

see also