Popular broadcasters Mike Emrick, Dale Arnold, Tom Caron, Scott Wykoff and J.J. Jeffrey considered him as being instrumental in their development.
Mike Tyson | Mike Oldfield | Mike Harris | Mike Nattrass | Mike Leigh | Mike Watt | Mike Mignola | Mike Gordon | Mike | Mike Nichols | Mike Rutherford | Mike Wallace | Mike Stern | Mike Huckabee | Mike Ditka | Mike Figgis | Mike Rowe | Mike Reid | Mike Portnoy | Mike Piazza | Mike Mills | Mike Varney | Mike Mansfield | Mike Easley | Mike Douglas | Mike Wallace (journalist) | Mike Viola | Mike Howlett | Mike Curb | Mike Chapman |
With national television audiences watching in both the United States on ESPN (with Mike Emrick and Bill Clement on the call) and in Canada on Hockey Night in Canada (with Bob Cole and Harry Neale on the call), Game 7 began shortly after 7:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.
Mike Emrick and Darren Pang return from the games’ predecessor, NHL FaceOff 2001, to provide commentary.